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Will McFarlin - November 24' Member of the Month

AMA Ferris

Ferris State AMA is pleased to announce William McFarlin as our Member of the Month for November! We are eager to highlight more about Will's experience with AMA, which is a story of development, resiliency, and pushing himself beyond his comfort zone.

Growing Social Confidence

Will's confidence and social skills have significantly improved since joining AMA. Will says, "AMA has been a great way to push me out of my comfort zone in order to improve those skills, which will be necessary in any career." AMA has been essential in helping Will be ready for the future, whether it is through networking or speaking out in meetings.

Leadership and Teamwork

Will didn't think of himself as a leader at first, but AMA helped him rethink what leadership meant. “To me, leadership was always a frightening thing, and something that was never for me,” he explains. “I felt like I wasn’t the right person for the job, and that meant I was passing up good opportunities because I was worried about failing.” Will has begun to get over those anxieties thanks to AMA, and he now welcomes the chance to assume leadership positions, which has aided in his career and personal development.

Advice for New Members

Will encourages new members of the American Marketing Association to get right in and participate: "Even if you're just a project manager, get involved." The more you put into AMA, the more you will gain from it, whether it is new connections, enhanced skills, internships, new friends, or even new interests.

Finding Motivation

Will credits his drive to a combination of discipline and the encouragement of his friends and family in juggling work, school, and AMA. I've always given my all in the classroom, constantly pushing myself to perform at my highest level. I can always rely on my friends and family to encourage me to keep going if I ever get stuck.

Relaxation and Future Plans

Will enjoys relaxing in his dorm with a nice book or TV after a long week. Regarding the future, organizing an AMA Trivia Night fundraiser is one of Will's ideal occasions. We have no doubt that Will would succeed greatly because of his developing self-assurance and talent for collaboration!

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